Scientific Publications
- Acceleration with long vector architectures: Implementation and evaluation of the FFT kernel on NEC SX-Aurora and RISC-V vector extension Vizcaino, Pablo; Mantovani, Filippo; Ferrer, Roger; Labarta, Jesus. Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience 2022
- A Novel Set of Directives for Multi-device Programming with OpenMP Torres, Raúl; Ferrer, Roger; Teruel, Xavier; 2022 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW), 2022, pp. 401-410,
- An OpenMP Free Agent Threads Implementation Lopez, Victor; Criado, Joel, Peñacoba, Raúl, Ferrer, Roger, Teruel, Xavier, Garcia-Gasulla, Marta OpenMP: Enabling Massive Node-Level Parallelism. IWOMP 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 12870. Springer, Cham.
- Static Analysis to Enhance Programmability and Performance in OmpSs-2 Munera, Adrián; Royuela, Sara; Ferrer, Roger; Peñacoba, Raúl; Quiñones, Eduardo. High Performance Computing - ISC High Performance 2020 International Workshops, Frankfurt, Germany, June 21-25, 2020.
- MPI+X: task-based parallelisation and dynamic load balance of finite element assembly. Garcia-Gasulla, Marta; Houzeaux Guillaume; Ferrer, Roger; Artigues, Antoni; López, Victor; Labarta, Jesús; Vázquez, Mariano; International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 33:3, 115-136
- Performance and energy effects on task-based parallelized applications. Caballero, Diego; Cebrián, Juan M.; Ferrer, Roger; Casas, Marc; Moretó, Miquel; Martorell, Xavier; Valero, Mateo; The Journal of Supercomputing, June 2018, Volume 74, Issue 6, pp 2627–2637
- Hybrid/Heterogeneous Programming with OMPSS and Its Software/Hardware Implications Ayguadé, Eduard; Badia, Rosa M.; Bellens, Pieter; Bueno, Javier; Duran, Alejandro; Etsion, Yoav; Farreras, Montse; Ferrer, Roger; Labarta, Jesús; Marjanović, Vladimir; Martinell, Luis; Martorell, Xavier; Pérez, Josep M.; Planas, Judit; Ramírez, Alex; Teruel, Xavier; Tsalouchidou, Ioanna; Valero, Mateo; Programming Multicore and Many-core Computing Systems 86, 99-120
- Optimizing Overlapped Memory Accesses in User-directed Vectorization. Caballero, Diego; Royuela, Sara; Ferrer, Roger; Duran, Alejandro; Martorell, Xavier; Proceedings of the 29th ACM on International Conference on Supercomputing
- Compiler analysis for OpenMP tasks correctness. Royuela, Sara; Ferrer, Roger; Caballero, Diego; Martorell, Xavier; Proceedings of the 12th ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers.
- Evaluating the Impact of OpenMP 4.0 Extensions on Relevant Parallel Workloads. Vidal, Raul; Casas, Marc; Moretó, Miquel; Chasapis, Dimitrios; Ferrer, Roger; Martorell, Xavier; Ayguadé, Eduard; Labarta, Jesús; Valero, Mateo; OpenMP: Heterogenous Execution and Data Movements
- Optimizing the exploitation of multicore processors and GPUs with OpenMP and OpenCL. Ferrer, Roger; Planas, Judit; Bellens, Pieter; Duran, Alejandro; Gonzalez, Marc; Martorell, Xavier; Badia, Rosa M; Ayguade, Eduard; Labarta, Jesus; Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing
- Quantifying the potential task-based dataflow parallelism in MPI applications. Subotic, Vladimir; Ferrer, Roger; Sancho, Jose Carlos; Labarta, Jesús; Valero, Mateo; Euro-Par 2011 Parallel Processing
- Mercurium: Design Decisions for a S2S Compiler. Ferrer, Roger; Royuela, Sara; Caballero, Diego; Duran, Alejandro; Martorell, Xavier; Ayguade, Eduard; Cetus Users and Compiler Infastructure Workshop in conjunction with PACT
- Extending OpenMP to survive the heterogeneous multi-core era. Ayguadé, Eduard; Badia, Rosa M; Bellens, Pieter; Cabrera, Daniel; Duran, Alejandro; Ferrer, Roger; González, Marc; Igual, Francisco; Jiménez-González, Daniel; Labarta, Jesús; International Journal of Parallel Programming
- Analysis of task offloading for accelerators. Ferrer, Roger; Beltran, Vicenç; Gonzàlez, Marc; Martorell, Xavier; Ayguadé, Eduard; High Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilers
- Parallel programming models for heterogeneous multicore architectures. Ferrer, Roger; Bellens, Pieter; Alvanos, Michail; Nikolopoulos, Dimitros S; Bilas, Angelos; Beltran, Vicenc; Gonzalez, Marc; Martorell, Xavier; Badia, Rosa M; Ayguade, Eduard; IEEE Micro
- Unrolling Loops Containing Task Parallelism. Ferrer, Roger; Duran, Alejandro; Martorell, Xavier; Ayguadé, Eduard; Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing
- An Extension to Improve OpenMP Tasking Control. Ayguadé, Eduard; Beyer, James; Duran, Alejandro; Ferrer, Roger; Haab, Grant; Li, Kelvin; Massaioli, Federico; Beyond Loop Level Parallelism in OpenMP: Accelerators, Tasking and More
- A Proposal for User-Defined Reductions in OpenMP. Duran, Alejandro; Ferrer, Roger; Klemm, Michael; de Supinski, Bronis R; Ayguadé, Eduard; Beyond Loop Level Parallelism in OpenMP: Accelerators, Tasking and More
- Barcelona OpenMP Tasks Suite: A set of benchmarks targeting the exploitation of task parallelism in OpenMP Duran, Alejandro; Teruel, Xavier; Ferrer, Roger; Martorell, Xavier; Ayguade, Eduard; Parallel Processing, 2009. ICPP'09. International Conference on
- A proposal to extend the OpenMP tasking model with dependent tasks Duran, Alejandro; Ferrer, Roger; Ayguadé, Eduard; Badia, Rosa M; Labarta, Jesus; International Journal of Parallel Programming
- Unrolling loops containing task parallelism Ferrer, Roger; Duran, Alejandro; Martorell, Xavier; Ayguadé. Eduard Ayguadé; Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing
- Achieving high memory performance from heterogeneous architectures with the SARC programming model Ferrer, Roger; Beltran, Vicenç; González, Marc; Martorell, Xavier; Ayguadé, Eduard; Proceedings of the 10th workshop on MEmory performance: DEaling with Applications, systems and architecture
- Transactional memory and OpenMP Milovanović, Miloš; Ferrer, Roger; Unsal, Osman S; Cristal, Adrian; Martorell, Xavier; Ayguadé, Eduard; Labarta, Jesús; Valero, Mateo; A Practical Programming Model for the Multi-Core Era
- Evaluation of memory performance on the CELL BE with the SARC programming model Ferrer, Roger; González, Marc; Silla, Federico; Martorell, Xavier; Ayguadé, Eduard; Proceedings of the 9th workshop on MEmory performance: DEaling with Applications, systems and architecture
- Nebelung: execution environment for transactional OpenMP Milovanović, Miloš; Ferrer, Roger; Gajinov, Vladimir; Unsal, Osman S; Cristal, Adrian; Ayguadé, Eduard; Valero, Mateo; International Journal of Parallel Programming
- Support for OpenMP tasks in Nanos v4 Teruel, Xavier; Martorell, Xavier; Duran, Alejandro; Ferrer, Roger; Ayguadé, Eduard; Proceedings of the 2007 conference of the center for advanced studies on Collaborative research
- Multithreaded software transactional memory and OpenMP Milovanović, Miloš; Ferrer, Roger; Gajinov, Vladimir; Unsal, Osman S; Cristal, Adrian; Ayguadé, Eduard; Valero, Mateo; Proceedings of the 2007 workshop on MEmory performance: DEaling with Applications, systems and architecture
- A proposal for error handling in OpenMP Duran, Alejandro; Ferrer, Roger; Costa, Juan José; Gonzàlez, Marc; Martorell, Xavier; Ayguadé, Eduard; Labarta, Jesús; International Journal of Parallel Programming
- Techniques supporting threadprivate in OpenMP Martorell, Xavier; Gonzàlez, Marc; Duran, Alex; Balart, Jairo; Ferrer, Roger; Ayguadé, Eduard; Labarta, Jesús; Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2006. IPDPS 2006. 20th International